Please think first!

We really don’t want you to join something you won’t thoroughly enjoy and there are differences between this and our established Chorus drop-in groups on Monday evening and Tuesday morning.

This may not be your thing and that’s fine!   This will be a bit more committed, a bit more challenging and it won’t suit everyone.  The only way to really find out whether you’ll really like it is to come along and try it out. Please have a think about the questions below and contact us if you’re interested in joining us and we can let you know when we’re next welcoming new members.

Can you answer YES to all these?

  1. Are you feeling quite confident that in a group of singers you can sing your part and have a fair sense of rhythm? YES (This question is not intended to “put you off” if you’re feeling a little nervous. Both Rachael and I believe everyone can sing and has a right to and we are not auditioning for this choir. Maybe, if you’re feeling severely nervous about your voice you might want to join one of the Chorus drop in groups first and try them out. Or maybe, even with your nerves, you might prefer to just give this a go and see how it feels. We’d love you to come along if you’re tempted)
  2. Are you a team player who can listen and take responsibility for your learning? YES
  3. Can you commit to attending for at least a year? NOT that you have to commit to a year before trying it out. We all know stuff happens and it might not work out that you stay a year, but is that your intention as you now plan to join the choir? YES
  4. Do you want to develop your singing skills in a choir and are you prepared to do a wee bit of word learning and listening to practice tracks if needs be between sessions? YES
  5. Do you have time to learn the songs? YES
  6. Are you open to hearing that you’re not performance ready if you don’t know your part or the words to a song? YES
  7. Can you commit to coming to as many sessions as possible, arriving at the sessions in good time and, if you can’t come, will you take responsibility for catching up on what you’ve missed by using the website? YES
  8. Do you check your emails regularly and will you keep up to date with choir business on email and on the website? (That’s the way we’ll stay in touch – email and via the website) YES
  9. Are you prepared to assist, now and then, with some practical aspects of group organisation? This might involve as little as helping set up chairs or clearing up tea cups or (as we develop the choir together) welcoming new members, helping organise gigs, helping fundraise, and so on. Having you all helping will enable us, Clare and Rachael, to concentrate mainly on the song leading. YES
  10. Are you prepared to keep any song details/music/words to yourself and choir members so they are not distributed outside the group? (This is vital for copyright and licensing reasons) YES

If you’re happy to answer YES to all those questions then one more question:

Do you have any questions for us before you sign up to join? Email and ask. We can’t know what your concerns are unless you tell us. Send us an email ( and/or ) and ask anything about the choir on your mind. Maybe we’ll end up with one of those “frequently asked questions” pages for future members.

We welcome new members only at certain times of the singing year. The next free taster is Tuesday September 24th 2024. Exact session dates will be provided if you join (they don’t always fit with school term dates).

If you’re sure you like the idea of the choir then click on the link in the email we will have sent you.  You’ll sign up to that Direct Debit with Go Cardless.  Remember this isn’t a commitment to join until you’ve been for a free taster and clearly said YES please.