Subscribe to Growing Singing’s Mailing Lists

Click on the following link.  You’ll fill in a form online which will automatically be sent to us.

We have three different mailing lists:

(1) Drop In Chorus Sessions 

These are the three singing sessions you can drop into any day you like (or come to all of them!)

  • Mid Morning Chorus  Mondays 10.30am-12noon
  • Twilight Chorus  Mondays 7pm-8.30pm
  • Dawn Chorus  Tuesdays 9.30am-11am

We don’t always follow school term times so you’ll get the term dates, an outline of what we’ve sung that week and links to song words and so on. We send these out weekly when we have met. This is also the way we let you know about any last minute cancellations due to illness.

If you’d like to be contacted about these drop in Chorus sessions then type YES in the Drop In Chorus Sessions box.

(2) The Growing Singers Choir

The Growing Singers are a committed, performing choir that meets on Tuesday evenings. Members pay monthly by Direct Debit and try to come to as many sessions as possible. We welcome new members from time to time. 

If you’d like to be contacted when our next free taster for new members is happening then type YES in the The Growing Singers Taster Session box.  Current members do not need to tick this box.

(3) Wider Singing Opportunities 

We love telling you all about all sorts of singing stuff locally, not just the stuff we run ourselves so we have a Wider Singing Opportunities mailing list. These messages are sent out around 12 times a year but are not regular.  On that list we will let you know about:

  • Workshops/Holidays/Concerts etc
  • All Sing – These are pub sessions where a big group of us get together and sing whatever people want. Everyone joins in and we pass round a bucket for a local charity
  • Songclub – This is a new version of something we ran for years at the Oddfellows Arms. It’s an opportunity for individuals or small groups to perform a prepared piece or song to a supportive audience.  

If you’d like to be contacted about these then type YES in the Wider Singing Opportunities box.


Privacy Policy

You can unsubscribe at any time by just clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of the emails. We never share your contact details with anyone else at all without your expressed permission and if you subscribe we’ll use your email address only to send you details of singing-related events.

For more about privacy read the details here.

Contact me

To contact us about anything related to this site please email: or phone (UK Mobile): 07984 146 452